Wednesday 27 April 2011


(Compiled by Subbaram Danda)

A joke a day, well enjoyed and shared, will keep the doctor away !

Sharing is great
The wife of a man has for long been suspecting that he has been hiding a lot of secrets from her.  All her efforts so far to unearth them have been in vain. 
Finally one day she tells him, “I can no more hold out.  I will give you a week’s time.  Come out with your secrets.  Or I will go to my parents and will not return at all.”
The flabbergasted man relents, “OK, I will share everything with you tomorrow.  There is no going back on it.  I promise.”
The wife has a flash in her mind.  With a beaming face she says, “Sharing?  That sounds great.  Let us start with your bank balance.”

Husband gets an idea!
The wife of another man has been asking him to take her to some nice place for a holiday.   It has been several years since they have been anywhere.   The man is very lethargic and her pleas have always fallen on deaf ears.
The woman can no longer tolerate his laziness.  She buys some travel magazines and nudges him, “Read these books.  Browse the internet.  Go through the blogs.  You will surely get an idea.”
A day later, the husband looks very enthusiastic and cheerful.  He tells his wife, “You are really a resourceful woman.  I appreciate your talent.  Next week we will be flying.”
The amazed wife asks, “Where to?”
“To temples….  to the temple town of Khajuraho.   We have not been there at all.  I read about it in a blog yesterday.”
The smile on her face turns into a frown and she shouts, “To Khajuraho?   I know all about it.  Want to see the unabashed display of erotica there?”
The husband is next seen limping.

Corals and long life
At a religious discourse, an Indian sage is exhorting his audience.  “Don’t underestimate the power of gems.   They can dramatically change your life.  By wearing proper gems you can alter the course of your life and that of your family members as you wish.”
He continues, “For example, if an elderly woman wears a coral chain round her neck, believe me, it will be good for her and her husband as well.  In fact, more than the wife, it is the husband who will reap real benefits.   He will have a very long life.”
He goes on, “Looks incredible but I assure you it is the effect of the rays radiated by the corals.  This magical power of the corals has been well tested, proved and documented. ”  
A senior woman, who has been listening to the sage, gets back home, takes off the coral chain she has been wearing for years and shoves it in her cupboard’s locker.   Her elderly husband is puzzled over her sudden and strange behaviour.
