Tuesday 19 April 2011


(Compiled by Subbaram Danda)

Laughter is highly infectious.  Spread it generously.

Think positively
A renowned cardiologist advised his patient: “Always maintain your cool.  Never brood over events, past, present or future.   Think positively.”
The patient:  “I value your advice, doctor.  But in my case it looks like impossible to put it into practice.   I simply get worked up over my expenses.”
The doctor:  “Meditate for at least 15 minutes a day.  That will give you ideas on how you can check your expenses.  I am sure you can find a way out.  Think positively.”
After a month the patient visited the cardiologist for another consultation.  The doctor, after checking his blood pressure, pulse rate and heart beat, said: “Great.  You look far better and cheerful now.  Hope you are following what I have said.”
“Yes, doctor.  I am no more worried about my expenses.  I am always thinking positively.  You see, I have not brought my purse today.”
The cardiologist’s heart missed some beats and his blood pressure shot up by a few notches.

Scary feeling
The heart specialist, while examining another patient, pointed to a sign on the wall of his clinic “Cigarette smoking is injurious to health” and told him in clear terms, “You have been smoking as many as 20 cigarettes a day.  You have to give up this habit totally forthwith.  If this continues, nobody can save you.”
Patient: “I find myself helpless, doctor.  I am unable to resist the temptation.”
The cardiologist: “Remember every time you light a cigarette, it burns and reduces to ashes not only itself but you as well.  That scary feeling should help.”
The patient went home.   He visited the clinic after a month for his next consultation.  He looked somewhat cheerful.  He informed the doctor, “I have diligently followed your advice and have not gone anywhere near the cigarettes.    I have successfully switched over to cigars!”

Yama or doctor ?
God appeared in the dream of a patient undergoing treatment in a hospital and asked him, “Tell me frankly whom do you despise most – Yama, the God of Death, or doctor, whom you approach every time you fall ill? 
Pat came the reply, “Of course, it is the doctor.”
God: “Why do you say so?”
Patient: “Yama takes away only life -- in one shot.   But the doctor takes away both life and money -- in tortuous instalments.”
