Thursday 7 April 2011


(Compiled by Subbaram Danda)

Here are more jokes to laugh away your blues!

A millionaire

A millionaire appeared in a popular television show.  The interviewer asked him whether he would like to attribute his present status to anybody in particular. 

Pat came the reply, “Yes, of course, my wife.” 

The TV person asked him, “Really, can you please elaborate?”

The millionaire answered:  “It is a long story.  But I will cut it short.  I was a billionaire previously.” 

Shocked husband

A man got his wife admitted in a hospital for the third time for treatment of a nagging disease.  The next day, when a doctor was examining her, he yelled at him and said, “Doctor, I am totally upset over the ways of this hospital.  Next time I will have to think of some other hospital.” 

“Why, what happened?” the physician shot back.  

The man replied with a cool flourish, “Every time I brought her here, I had a shock. She fully recovered!”

Coke personality

Husband to his wife:  “Darling, years ago you had a physique similar to that of a Coke bottle, slim at the center.   What a stunning look you had!  Every girl was jealous of you.”

Wife: “What do you mean?  I still sport the same appearance.”

Husband:  “Yes, I don’t dispute it.  But, there is a difference now.  Earlier it was a 300 millilitre bottle, now it is a 1.5 litre one.”
