Wednesday 13 April 2011


(A presentation by Subbaram Danda)

The Great Pyramid

In the Giza plateau off Cairo stand majestically three massive pyramids, built to serve as tombs for three Egyptian pharaohs.  The largest of them rising to a height of 480 feet was constructed as long back as 4,570 years ago for pharaoh Khufu, who was also called Cheops in later years.

This pyramid, which came to be regarded as the Great Pyramid for its grandeur, has been one of the Wonders of the World from the ancient times to the modern day.  It is in this pyramid that expert eyes have unveiled Golden triangles and other GR features.   The two other Giza pyramids also display similar characteristics but not to the same exactitude.

Magnificent spectacle

On the hill of Acropolis in Athens, Greece, a temple for Greek Goddess Athena Parthenos was constructed during 447 - 432 B.C.  In the main hall of the temple a colossal statue of the Goddess made of gold, silver and ivory stood majestically rising to a height of 40 feet.   The gold used alone weighed 1,100 kgs.
The temple structure with numerous columns and other Doric style elements did not conceal the innumerable Golden Rectangles and other GR features in its exterior and interior designs.   The temple itself was built on a Golden Rectangle.   It is said in some quarters that GR’s symbol “Phi” was derived from the name of Phidias, the chief sculptor.  On completion, the marble temple of Parthenon presented a magnificent spectacle par excellence to behold.  But, alas, as time rolled by, human frailties reduced it to ruins.
Deft architecture
Our own Taj Mahal’s façade and some other designs display GR features.  The main entrance door of the love monument, completed in 1648 AD, stands within a Golden Rectangle.  The whole edifice is a deft blend of the Mughal architecture and the golden rules.
Other famous structures that have yielded to the temptation of GR include Notre Dame Church in Paris and the United Nations Building in New York City.
It is interesting to note that even music maestros have fallen for the magic of GR.  Bach, Beethoven, Mozart and others have effectively employed GR in their presentations.
Divine Ratio
What scientists, philosophers, artists, composers and others aver is that human mind innately recognizes perfection and beauty wherever they are.  And they are found wherever the Fibonacci numbers and GR features abound.   It is pointed out that in most instances GR shows itself on its own in nature, and is therefore the natural manifestation of divinity.  So GR is also called Divine Ratio.  In man-made structures, GR is introduced through human intervention to achieve the same effect.
No doubt, this super ratio that defines beauty and balance, poise and perfection has been aptly called the Golden Ratio.  A thing of beauty is a joy forever, and behind every beautiful thing there is the “Glitter of the Golden Ratio!”