Monday 4 April 2011


(Compiled by Subbaram Danda)

Here are rib-ticklers, old and new.  Enjoy and share them, spreading smiles all around !

Chemistry professor’s wife

The wife of a chemistry professor went to a supermarket and bought a pearl necklace to be presented to her mom on the latter's birthday a few days later. When she returned home she had a nagging doubt whether the pearls used in the necklace were really genuine ones or not.

She checked with her husband.  Being a chemistry specialist, he shot back, "Oh, that is simple.  I will let you know tomorrow after I return from the university."

The next day he came back home with a beaming face and told his wife, "You are an excellent shopper.  I am proud of you. You have bought a really genuine pearl necklace. All the pearls got dissolved when thrown into the acid!" 

Stunned, his wife stared at him for a minute and moved close to him.  Next, the professor was seen in the ortho ward of a hospital nearby.


A man and his wife were always seen walking hand-in-hand whenever they went out.  They raised many eye-brows in the neighbourhood.   Some people even turned green with jealousy.

One day, their next-door resident asked the man, “Well, we all know that you and your sweetheart make an adorable couple with great affection for each other.  But, don’t you feel embarrassed to hold her hand always in a snug grip?”

The husband replied, “Oh, there is a reason for it.  If I let go her hand, she will jump away from me and go for SHOPPING with my add-on credit card.”  

Loyal husband

A man, who admits that he has committed a mistake, is an honest person.

A man, who is not sure whether he has committed a mistake or not but owns it, can be termed a wise guy.

But, a man, who knows that he has not committed any mistake but condescends to accept it, is a HUSBAND !